Back to School

By , 01/21/2010

Bobst Library at NYU

Last night was the first night of the new course I’m teaching at NYU this spring semester. The course is Social Media: Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, in the Master’s in Public Relations and Corporate Communications program. I first started working with the directors of the program on developing the course almost a year ago, and after it went through the NYU and New York State approval process, it’s exciting for me to see the class come to fruition.

I have about 30 students in the Wednesday night section I’m teaching, and the students are really a cross-section of our program as a whole. Some students are fairly soon out of school, some are professionals who have worked in PR or communications for many years; there is an interesting variety of international students; a few students changing careers; and a majority of women but some men too.

I’m teaching in exactly the same room where I started in the program almost five years ago as a student, in the fall of 2005. You really can’t escape your past, can you.


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