I’ll work to keep this page current, and I know the designations are a bit arbitrary and there’s often a lot of overlap.
Educators and Researchers
- apophenia, danah boyd
- Confessions of an Aca-Fan, Henry Jenkins
- Multiplexation, Dawn Gilpin
- My Heart’s in Accra, Ethan Zuckerman
- Public Relations Matters, Barbara Nixon
- PR Connections, Mihaela Vorvoreanu
- PR Conversations, Multiple authors
- PressThink, Jay Rosen
- Social Media for PR Class, Corinne Weisgerber
- Teaching PR, Karen Russell
- Tough Sledding, Bill Sledzik
Practitioners & Others
- Being Peter Kim, Peter Kim
- Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media, Beth Kanter
- The Buzz Bin, Geoff Livingston
- Chris Brogan
- Conversation Agent, Valeria Maltoni
- Dave Fleet
- KDPaine’s PR Measurement Blog, Katie Paine
- Logic + Emotion, David Armano
- Mengel Musings, Amy Mengel
- PR2.0, Brian Solis
- PR Squared, Todd Defren
- A Shel of My Former Self, Shel Holtz
- Social Media University, Global, Lee Aase
- The Steve Rubel Lifestream, Steve Rubel
- Web Strategy, Jeremiah Owyang